Contact Person - Info
Degree: Dr./Professor
Name: Renato
Surname: Torre
Department: European Lab for Non-Linear Spectroscopy
Address: via Carrara 1
Phone: 390554572495
Position: Permanent staff
Short CV: 
Web Pages Personal: Group: Biographic Data and Appointments Born 11 March 1962, in Firenze, ITALY. 1989 ‘Laurea’ in Physics, University of Firenze 1989-91: Ph.D. in Physics, University of Firenze (LENS). 1991-92: Visiting Researcher, Stanford University, (Prof. M.D. Fayer). 1993-94: Post-doc fellow at LENS collaborating with several research groups. 1995-2001: Research staff at LENS. 2001-present: Researcher at Dpt. of Physics and LENS, University of Firenze. Membership and Service 1998-2008: Board Member of 'Structural and dynamical properties of Solids'- Cond. Matter Division dell’ EPS; 2004-2010: Member of executive board of CRS-INFM “Soft matter”-Univ. di Roma, CNR; 2009-today: Italian Member for Meeting Committee in the Cost Action MP0902.; 2001-today: Supervisor of the LENS research line on “Soft Matter Physics”. Project Participation and Coordination Italian Funding: MURST-Cofin 1998INFM-Paiss 1999, MURST-Cofin 2000, PRIN 2002, PRIN 2005. European Funding: HCM Network 1994-97; COST MP0902 2009-2013, Composites of Inorganic Nanotubes and Polymers. Budget: 134.667,00 EUR in total. Italian Funding: PORFSE 2007-2013, Development of a 2D THz Imaging Apparatus,. The funding is for a 2 Years Post-Doc position. Budget 60.000,00 EUR. Publications and Bibliography 40 Invited Talks at Conferences, 101 Publications: ISI web ID: 1 Book: R.Torre, Time-Resolved Spectroscopy in Complex Liquids, Springer 2008, New York
CV: Curriculum Vitae