Enano Newsletter 15

E-Nano Newsletter nº 15 (Pdf format) 

E-Nano Newsletter (Issue 15)  Publishing Date: 2009-04-01
Welcome to the issue nº15 of the "E-Nano Newsletter" that three-monthly provides scientific articles, reports and updated information on Nanotechnology and more specifically Emerging Nanoelectronics. The following contributions will be available:


  • "NANOMAGMA: NANOstructured active MAGneto-plasmonic MAterials" by Antonio Garcia-Martin (IMM-CNM-CSIC)
  • "The implementation of the Action Plan for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies in Spain (2005-2007)" by Pedro A. Serena (ICMM-CSIC)

   Full Version (pdf format) - April 2009   


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