Conferences & Courses
Graphene2024. June 18-21, 2024. Madrid (Spain) [18-6-2024]
The 14th edition of Graphene Conference series, the largest European Event in Graphene and 2D Materials, will be organized in-person in Madrid (Spain): June 18-21, 2024. Over the past editions, the Graphene Conference strengthened its position as the main in-person meeting point of the Graphene community Worldwide.
Related Events
Graphene2025. June 24-27, 2025. San Sebatian (Spain) [24-6-2024]
The 8th International Carbon Materials Conference & Exposition(Carbontech2024). December 5th - 7th. Shanghai New InternationalExpo Centre (China) [05-12-2024]
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I2DM2024. November 25-28, 2024. Abu Dhabi, UAE [25-11-2024]
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nanoBalkan International Conference (NB2024). October 28 - November 01, 2024. Tiraba (Albania) [28-10-2024]
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Graphene Week 2024. October 14-18, 2024. Prague (Czech Republic) [14-10-2024]

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