Conferences & Courses
I2DM2024. November 25-28, 2024. Abu Dhabi, UAE [25-11-2024]
Join us on an exciting event into the future of Graphene and Advanced Materials at the Innovative & Industrial 2D/Advanced Materials Summit & Expo (I2DM2024). This cutting-edge International Summit will bring together world leaders, prominent researchers, and industry visionaries to explore and unlock the boundless potential of Advanced Materials.
Related Events
Graphene2025. June 24-27, 2025. San Sebatian (Spain) [24-6-2024]
AI4AM2025. April 08-10, 2025. San Sebastian, Spain [08-4-2025]
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The 8th International Carbon Materials Conference & Exposition(Carbontech2024). December 5th - 7th. Shanghai New InternationalExpo Centre (China) [05-12-2024]
NanoMaterials, Graphene
nanoBalkan International Conference (NB2024). October 28 - November 01, 2024. Tiraba (Albania) [28-10-2024]
NanoMaterials, NanoBiotechnology, Graphene
Graphene Week 2024. October 14-18, 2024. Prague (Czech Republic) [14-10-2024]

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