Conferences & Courses
QUANTUMatter 2025. May 20-23, 2025. Grenoble (France) [20-5-2025]
The 5th edition of the Quantum Matter International Conference – QUANTUMatter 2025 (Grenoble, France) – aims at gathering the various communities engaged in the science and technologies of quantum information and quantum matter, to foster the incubation of new ideas & collaborations at the forefront of quantum technologies, emerging quantum materials and novel generations of quantum communication protocols, quantum sensing and quantum simulation.
Related Events
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QUANTUMatter 2024. May 07-10, 2023. San Sebastian (Spain) [07-5-2024]
EuroNanoForum 2023. June 11-13, 2023. Lund (Sweden) [11-6-2023]
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Quantum Matter International Conference – QUANTUMatter 2023. May 23-25, 2023. Madrid (Spain) [23-5-2023]

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