Working Group 1: Biomaterial
Working group 2: Biomechanisms and molecular modelling
Working Group 3: Technology integration
Working Group 4: Demonstrators and applications
WG 1: Biomaterial
The following, non restrictive, list considers several biomaterials: DNA materials including aptamers, 2D-3D structures and nanodevices, oligopeptides, proteins and viruses. These materialsmay include hybrid materials with inorganic parts as well as the combination of combinatorial and chemical synthetic routes. Complex hybrid structures at different scales will be considered, which may require dynamical control. A strong overlap is expected with WG 2 and WG 3. In order to record experimental data at different scales, measurement methods identification will be developed in close relationship with WG 2.
WG 2: Biomechanisms and molecular modelling
Modeling is expected to play a crucial role in depicting, understanding and designing complex and multifunctional nano-bio systems within the framework of “atomically precise” technology issues. This trend accepts that complex multi-model strategies will be required (to link conventional physicochemical tools with docking strategies, bio-informatics and more specific modelling tools). The following agenda is aimed at: (i) promoting the development of complex multidisciplinary modelling strategies, (ii) promoting theory/experiment interactions, (iii) promoting modelling to define new projects in the field. Targets: Advanced experiments and related modelling, molecular interaction modelling and docking mechanisms, modelling to design complex biostructures.
WG 3: Technologies integration
WG 3 has at least three items driving actions and networking:
- Biomolecular self-assembly technologies
- Organic-nonorganic material integrations
- Bio-inspired technologies and Microsystems integration
In particular, a promising technology area is represented by the nano energetical materials. This technology’s goal is to provide micropower sources with high power/energy density tomechanical and/or electrical power. In this context, by combining top-down and bottom-up technologies, DNA-based technology could provide advanced processes and materials andtherefore, lead to new insights about the materials (WG 1) and Microsystems (WG 4) especially, the “zero energy Microsystems” field.
WG 4: Demonstrators and applications
WG 4 is in charge of the part of bio-systems integration:
- Nanodevices and integrated bio-systems
- Biochips, labs on a chip
Considering the example of designing aptamer based bio-chip, the coordination appears clearly with WG 1, for the aptamer identification and fabrication, with, WG 2 for characterisation andmodelling, with WG 3, for the definition of the basic processes which have to be developed. WG 4 is particularly concerned with industrial contacts and applicative projects preparation (e.g. Health, Environment, Agronomy).