WP1: NanoPhononics community building
(mapping and benchmarking)
Objectives: |
To build and consolidate the emerging ICT-NanoPhononics community.
To make the new European Nanophononics research community visible and prominent at both European and world scale.
To map research at European level and allow the identification of drivers/measures to assess research in ICT devices.
To network involving existing nanophononics national, regional or international activities/programs to exploit synergies, maximize impact and contribute to the definition of international cooperation strategies and/or the development of research collaborations.
WP2: European Nanophononics Research Agenda
Objectives: |
To define the scope of nanophononics, its tools, possible applications for ICT.
To document the findings and outcome of discussions in one position paper on definitions, tools, impact and applications.
To provide a Research Agenda to accelerate progress in identified R&D directions and priorities for ICT-NanoPhononics-related FET program within Horizon 2020. This activity aims at guiding public research institutions and also at providing a valid source of guidance for Phononics and ICT industry (roadmapping).
To provide a draft Roadmap for Nanophononics.
WP3: Dissemination of knowledge and outreach |
Objectives: |
To promote European research in ICT-Nanophononics related areas and enhance collaboration among partners.
To disseminate knowledge and results via specific initiatives to stake holders and the general public.
WP4: Project Management |
Objectives: |
To carry out the overall management of the Coordinated Action, including technical, administrative, financial and organizational issues.
To liaise with the European Commission.
To represent the CA whereas necessary.