Schematic of the self-assembled nanodot multilayers, TEM image & AFM images
Courtesy: G. Pernot et. al., Nature Materials 9 (2010) 491. Copyright © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited
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Phonon dispersion relation of Si membranes measured by inelastic light
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Illustration of the phonon transmission/tunneling effect through a vacuum gap
Courtesy: M. Prunnila et. al.
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A snapshot of quartz-confined water model structure & steady-state temperature profiles for heat flux
Courtesy: M. Hu et. al., Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 279-285. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society
Calculated thermal phonon group velocities due to confinement in a 30 nm-thick Si membrane
Courtesy: E. Chavez et al
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Schematic of the proposed structure with periodic pillars on a Si membrane
Courtesy: J. Gomis et al.
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Plane wave expansion calculation results for the band structure
Courtesy: J. O. Vasseur et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 3012, © 2001 American Physical Society
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SEM images of suspended silicon phoxonic crystal membranes
Courtesy: A. Martinez and Vincent Laude
SEM micrograph of Au nanoantennas/GaN
Courtesy: F. Bovino and A. Passaseo et al.
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Resonance spectrum of a single mechanical resonator & Array of silicon cantilevers
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Schematic of static-mode surface-stress sensing MEMS device & Suspended microchannel resonator
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Comparison of the performance of optical and mechanical detection
SEM image of a typical optomechanical accelerometer
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MEMS revenues in mobile applications
Courtesy: Jeremie Bouchaud
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T profile in AlGaN/GaN HFET on sapphire substrate without the heat spreader & graphite heat spreade
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(Left) Schematic of the FLG-graphite heat spreaders attached to the drain contact of the AlGaN/GaN HFET. (Right)