Institution: |
Department: | Department of Physics |
Group: | Nanomechanics Group |
Type of Institution: | University |
Contact Person: | Eva Weig (More info) |
Address: | Universitätsstr. 10, 78464 Konstanz |
Country: | Germany |
Website: | |
Main research areas: |
Phonon-based devices Phonons and Sound ("coherent phonons") Technology and nanofabrication for phononic structures |
Personal: |
Permanent Staff: 1 |
Post doctoral: 1 |
PhD: 3 |
Technicians: 1 |
Others: 1 |
Relevant publications |
see for detailed list of publications Authors: Journal: 0 - Number: Page: Year: 0 |
Infrastructures |
Tool: Cleanroom; Trade Name: ; Model: ; Installation Year: 0; Tool Specificities: Optical and e-beam lithography, reactive ion etching, plasma deposition & evaporation |
Tool: Electromechanics and optomechanics labs; Trade Name: ; Model: ; Installation Year: 0; Tool Specificities: Microwave setups, optical interferometers, RF and microwave equipment |
Research topics |
Phonon-based components and circuits for ICT (incl. new device concepts) |
Phonons and Heat (incoherent phonons) |
Dissipation in solid-state quantum information processing |
Phonons and Sound (coherent phonons) |
Optomechanics |
Technology and nanofabrication for phononic structures |
Phononic crystals and quasi-crystals |
Waveguides |
Membranes |
Hybrid structures |