E-Nano Newsletter nº 29

Welcome to the Issue nº29 of the "E-Nano Newsletter" that three-monthly provides scientific articles, reports and updated information on Nanotechnology and more specifically Emerging Nanoelectronics. The following contributions will be available:


"Molecular versus Atomic scale circuits for Boolean logic gates (and more) at the atomic scale" (AtMol) by C. Joachim

"Experimental approach towards molecular circuits" (AtMol) by C. Nacci, C. Joachim and L. Grill

"Surface atomic wires for interconnects and logic gate design" (AtMol) by M. Kepenekian, R. Robles, C. Joachim and N. Lorente
E-Nano Newsletter nº 28

Welcome to the Issue nº28 of the "E-Nano Newsletter" that three-monthly provides scientific articles, reports and updated information on Nanotechnology and more specifically Emerging Nanoelectronics. The following contributions will be available:


"Electron tunnelling manipulation of self-assembled molecular nanostructures" (AtMol) by F. Moresco, A.Nickel, R. Ohmann, J. Meyer, M. Grisolia, C. Joachim and G.Cuniberti.

"Coronene: A Single Molecule Atom Counter" (AtMol) by C. Manzano, W. H. Soe, M. Hliwa, M. Grisolia, H. S. Wong and C. Joachim.

"Measuring the conductance of single molecular wires as a function of the electron energy" (AtMol) by M.Koch, F. Ample, C. Joachim and L. Grill.

"Synthesis of Y-Shaped Polyarenes, Crushed Fullerenes and Nanographene Fragments" (AtMol) by P. Calleja, R. Dorel, P. Mc Gonigal, P. de Mendoza, and A. M. Echavarren

Proceedings of the 3rd AtMol European Workshop (Springer)
Berlin, Germany / September 24-25, 2012

AtMol International Workshop 2013 Abstracts Book
Imaging and Manipulation of Adsorbates using Dynamic Force Microscopy.
AtMol conference series 2013
Nottingham-UK. April 16-17, 2013

E-Nano Newsletter nº 26

Welcome to the Issue nº26 of the "E-Nano Newsletter" that three-monthly provides scientific articles, reports and updated information on Nanotechnology and more specifically Emerging Nanoelectronics. The following contributions will be available:


"Single bond mechanochemistry at silicon surfaces" (AtMol) by A. Sweetman, S. Jarvis, A. Stannard, R. Woolley, C. Chiutu, A. Lakin, L. Kantorovich, J. Dunn and P. Moriarty.

Atmol Flyer
Atmol Flyer
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