Scope of the workshop

Real space imaging of the electronic cloud of a single atom or molecule is now of prime importance in the field of quantum information transmission, manipulation and storage and in the field of single molecule mechanics. One can also be simply interested by the intramolecular electronic and magnetic phenomena inside a single molecule.

his workshop will bring together groups from all around the world which are working on the theory or the experimental recording of the electronic cloud of a single atom or molecule and when possible its description and detail experimental capture on the basis of the molecular orbitals concept. Manipulation techniques to change the spatial distribution or quantum properties of those by interacting with this single molecule will also be discussed. It will be the occasion to celebrate the first recording of the image of a single molecule by E. Muller 60 years ago.


· Christian Joachim (CEMES-CNRS, France)
· Leonhard Grill (Fritz Haber Institute - Max Planck Gesellschaft, Germany)
· Antonio Correia (Phantoms Foundation, Spain)
· Anne-Laure Allain (CEMES/CNRS, France)
· Philip Moriarty (University Nottingham, UK)


· September 24-25, 2012 at the Seminaris CampusHotel (Berlin, Germany)
Abstracts Book  


· Quantum states space trajectory and quantum control
· From quantum to semi-classical behaviours on a surface at the atomic scale
· Molecular states images principle with STM and NC-AFM
· Inelastic effects and friction at the atomic scale
· Design and functioning of UHV multi nano-probe system + their surface navigation tools
· Atom and single molecule logic gates (quantum and semi-classical)
· Single molecule mechanical machineries: gears, wheels, molecule motors and vehicles
Spain France Germany Poland UK Singapore