How to perform Boolean logic and more generally a calculation using one single molecule or a surface atomic scale circuit? A common answer is to design single molecule devices like recti?ers, switches, transistors and cascade - interconnect - them in a circuit using an adapted nano-scale wiring. This generally involves a classical (semi-classical) device design playing for example with quantum interferences.

Others approaches have also been explored like integrating the full calculating circuit inside one molecule semi-classically or playing with quantum superposition (with or without using a qubits architecture) to perform the logic operation within the single molecule or the atomic scale surface circuit. This workshop will bring together groups from all around the world which are working on the theory and design of single molecule or surface atomic scale circuit for logic gates applications.

This workshop (AtMol Conference series) is open for contributors to the ?eld of single molecule logic gates and surface atomic scale circuits theory and design based on classical, semi-classical or quantum principles where one molecule (or one atomic scale circuit) is providing the calculating power. Interested participants can submit a one page abstract before November 18, 2011.

· C. Joachim (CEMES-CNRS, France)
· N. Lorente (CIN2 (ICN-CSIC), Spain)
· M. Saeys (University of Singapore, Singapore)
· A. Correia (Phantoms Foundation, Spain)
· A-L. Allain (CEMES CNRS, France)
  Location & date

· This event will take place at Hotel Campus UAB
  (Barcelona, Spain): January 12-13, 2012.
AtMol International Workshop 2012 (flyer)
Abstracts Book  
Spain France Germany Poland UK Singapore