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Press Releases
 nanoICT Coordination Action (nanoICT)

Phantoms Foundation launches a catalogue of Nano companies in Spain [04-07-2011] More info

NanoICT project launches a second call for exchange visits [06-06-2011] More info

 NanoICT project launches exchange visits [08-10-2010] More info

 nanoICT School on Nanophotonics and Modelling Issues for ICT Celebrated in San Sebastian, Spain [20-11-2009] More info

  nanoICT Coordination action organises a BioICT session at the "Bioinspired nanosystems and nanomaterials" NANOSWEC workshop in Bordeaux, France [11-11-2009] More info

  EU funded nanoICT coordination action publishes two position papers on carbon nanotubes and modelling at the nanoscale [09-12-2008] More info

 Featured NanoICT Session Celebrated at the Trends in Nanotechnology Conference (TNT2008) [12-09-2008] More info

  EU funds "Nano scale ICT devices and Systems" Coordination Action [11-07-2008] More info

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